31 May 2024
31 May 2024

Application Load Balancing In Google Cloud

A load balancer is a tool used to distribute the traffic (client requests) to multiple servers on which the applications are deployed so that the response time of the application can improve by spreading the work across multiple servers. Consider an application that needs to serve images to the clients’ requests concurrently. By design it … Read more
05 March 2024
05 March 2024

Serverless Authentication methods in web apps.

Serverless authentication methods refer to approaches for managing user identity and access without the need for traditional server-based authentication systems. Instead of relying on a dedicated server, authentication tasks are outsourced to cloud-based services or specialized third-party providers. This allows developers to focus on application logic while leveraging secure, scalable, and often managed authentication solutions. … Read more
29 January 2024
29 January 2024

C# Cancellation Tokens in AWS

A colleague of mine once asked about cancellation tokens in AWS. This question got me thinking about this problem and got me curious on whether there is any support. Turns out it is an interesting topic with lots of pitfalls. If you don’t know about cancellations tokens, they are used in C# are used to … Read more
18 October 2023
18 October 2023

Protecting your Cloud Assets

Organizations of all types and sizes are turning to the cloud for their application and data storage requirements. The cloud makes it possible for them to deploy their workloads more quickly and to scale them up and down as requirements change. Not only does this increase the organization’s flexibility, but it also frees up IT … Read more
17 August 2023
17 August 2023

AWS Step Functions in C#

Step functions allow complex solutions to process data in the background. This frees users from having to wait on the results while it is running. Imagine a use case where someone uploads a resume because sifting through resumes takes time, a background process can curate the data and have it ready for a recruiter. In … Read more
24 May 2023
24 May 2023

Data Intelligence on light speed: Microsoft Fabric

This article is based on exciting information just released at Microsoft’s Build conference on May 23, 2023. What we have today When Synapse Analytics was created, technical sessions inspired me with some comparisons and explanations, and I reproduced them in my own technical sessions and writing. Synapse was created from a request from many Microsoft … Read more
15 February 2023
15 February 2023

Azure Machine Learning Introduction: Part 1 Overview and prep work

The five-part series is designed to jump-start any IT professional’s journey in the fascinating world of Data Science with Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML). Readers don’t need prior knowledge of Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistics, or Azure to begin this adventure. All you will need is an Azure subscription and I will show you how … Read more
25 January 2023
25 January 2023

AWS Lambdas with C#

Serverless computing is pushing C# to evolve to the next level. This is exciting because you pay-per-use and only incur charges when the code is running. This means that .NET 6 must spin up fast, do its job, then die quickly. This mantra of birth and rebirth pushes developers and the underlying tech to think … Read more
03 January 2023
03 January 2023

Azure Function and User Assigned Managed Identities

Let’s talk about authentication between Azure Functions and resources used by Azure Functions and conclude with many poorly documented secrets about how to use User Assigned Managed Identity. When we build Azure functions, they usually need to authenticate against other Azure resources: Azure SQL Database, Storage Accounts, Service Bus and many more. Each of these services … Read more