Glutathione Benefits for Your Health and Body

Glutathione is said to protect the brain cells against the cross-linking of proteins - a condition which reduces the efficiency of the brain cells - and increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. It reportedly deactivates free radicals and counters the effect of lipid peroxides, which may be the key to its antiaging effect. The effectiveness of glutathione can be increased by lipoic acid, selenium, and vitamins B-2 and E.

Pros And Cons Of Psychedelic Therapy

Some of the advantages of psychedelic therapy are practical, others are of a theoretical nature. In general, the therapeutic changes achieved in a single psychedelic session are much more dramatic and profound than those observed as a result of a single psycholvtic session. Certain aspects of the psychedelic treatment technique represent a great acceleration and deepening of the therapeutic process, as well as a definite increase in its efficacy and safety. This approach seems to have fully...

LSD Price: Blotters, Sheets, Tabs, Pyramids And Vials

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), also known as acid, blotter, stamps, dots, trips, paper, A-bombs, pyramids, is making a comeback and is widely available. It is a staple at rave parties (probably below MDMA in usage and even with or slightly ahead of GHB). In fact, it is one of the cheapest things on rave venue, running around 5 a dose (compared to GHB at 5 to 15 per dose, ketamine at 10 to 15 and MDMA at 20, plus the rave tickets at 25 to 50 each).

Pre-Flowering And Flowering Tips For Growing Marijuana

By now you have managed to set up the basic environment in which your indoor plant will grow. You have your plants in some pots under a grow light with some white surfaces nearby and some fresh air in the room. You have also been watering your plant properly and you have been adjusting the pH and Nutrients in the soil. Everyone makes mistakes on their first time growing. Very few get to this stage without problems, so don't feel too bad if you did not get it right.

Phenytoin Risk Summary

Phenytoin is a hydantoin anticonvulsant introduced in 1938. The teratogenic effects of phenytoin were recognized in 1964. Since this report there have been numerous reviews and studies on the teratogenic effects of phenytoin and other anticonvulsants. Based on this literature, the epileptic pregnant woman taking phenytoin, either alone or in combination with other anticonvulsants.

Acetohexamide Risk Summary

Acetohexamide is a sulfonylurea used for the treatment of adult-onset diabetes mellitus. It is not indicated for the pregnant diabetic. Shepard and Schardein cited a study in which acetohexamide was embryotoxic, but not teratogenic in rats. When administered near term, acetohexamide crosses the placenta and may persist in the neonatal serum for several days.

Salvinorin C, a New Neoclerodane Diterpene from a Bioactive Fraction of the Hallucinogenic Mexican Mint Salvia divinorum

Abstract Salvinorin C (1 ), a minor component from a biologically active TLC fraction, was isolated from the leaves of the Mexican mint Salvia divinorum . Its structure was elucidated on the basis of extensive proton and C-13 NMR experiments, as well as by comparison of the NMR data with those of the mono- and diacetate derivatives 5 -7 of the major NaBH4 -reduction product of salvinorin A (2 ).

Lasix for horses?

How big of a difference does Lasix make I always bet horses that have raced before and then end up on Lasix for the first time later in their career. I also like to play horses that have blinkers on when they didn't in their previous races.Using Lasix in horses can definitely make a big difference. A lot of horses will always bleed, severely, during their races, and if severe enough, it can actually kill them as the bleeding generally comes from the lungs.

Effects Of Marijuana On The Central Nervous System

Drugs do not contain highs drugs trigger these highs. The potential for feeling high exists naturally within the human nervous system, and we have countless options for getting high without taking drugs. Small children love to spin wildly in circles. Many people go sky diving, fall in love, paint, meditate the list is endless. Marijuana triggers a high via the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS controls the functions of the brain and the spinal cord.

Bromo Quinine

The correct name for a cold is coryza, or acute rhinitis. It is an acute inflammation of the nasal cavities. This condition does not occur over night or by getting your feet wet or sitting in a draft. These shocks only bring it to a head. The beginning of it has been many weeks or months before, by allowing the system to run down and poisons to accumulate in the system. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat become inflamed and swollen then begin to run. Nature will unload these body...

Solving Marijuana Plan Leaf Curl/Cupping Problems

Plenty of first time and experienced marijuana growers will suffer at some point in their cannabis growing career marijuana plants that begin to show leaf damage. Often they write emails or post on forums. Help, my leaves are cupping and the leaf edges are turning brown or My plant's leaf tips are curling down and turning black what's wrong Unless another marijuana grower inspects the damage a true assessment might not be possible. It's hard to tell exactly what the culprit is.

Step by Step: Learn How To Clone Your Marijuana Plants

The seedling growth stage lasts for about two to three weeks after seeds have germinated. A plant stunted now could take weeks to resume normal growth. A strong, unrestricted root system is essential to supply much needed water and nutrients. Unrestricted vegetative growth is the key to a healthy harvest. A plant's nutrient and water intake changes during vegetative growth.

When To Marijuana Fertilize Seedlings

The first fertilizer or feed of a marijuana seeds life is one of the most important. Remember the marijuana seedling is very tender. Keep this in mind when prepping your first marijuana fertilizer formula. Over marijuana feeding a seedling will kill it. Be very careful.Under marijuana fertilizer is better and gradually work your way to full strength formula. Preparing soil with marijuana fertilizer before planting your cannabis seeds is a great idea. Many marijuana growers do this.

Clavulanate Potassium Risk Summary

Clavulanic acid is a b-lactamase inhibitor produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus that is combined, as the potassium salt, with the penicillin antibiotics, amoxicillin or ticarcillin, to broaden their antibacterial spectrum of activity. No adverse fetal effects were observed in mice, rats, and pigs administered potassium clavulanate in combination with amoxicillin or ticarcillin during gestation.

How to Make a Gatorade Bong

Perhaps you've missed this tutorial before, or you didn't take notes, but making a Gatorade Bong is simple. In a few steps it's possible to have a water pipe imbued with your favorite flavor of this energizing drink. Since the bottle will retain a little aroma of flavors like grape, kiwi, or whatever flavor the bright blue stuff is, this is a do-it-yourself trick many smokers enjoy.

Estonia Marijuana Laws - Cannabis Legal Status in Estonia

Offences and penalties related to personal use As with all drugs, it is a misdemeanour to use or handle a small quantity, punishable by police fine or 30 days' administrative arrest. It is a criminal offence to possess more than a small quantity (a large amount), punishable by up to 10 yrs. Legislation Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1997, Art. 31, Art.151 Penal Code, Art.

Propylthiouracil Risk Summary

Propylthiouracil (PTU) has been used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy since its introduction in the 1940s and 39). The drug prevents synthesis of thyroid hormones and inhibits peripheral deiodination of levothyroxine (T4) to liothyronine (T3). PTU crosses the placenta. Four patients undergoing therapeutic abortion were given a single 15-mg 35S-labeled oral dose 2 hours before pregnancy termination.

How to Harvest Marijuana: A Step by Step Guide

The payment for all the research, work, risk, expense, and the long, patient wait is a bountiful harvest. Strong, healthy, well-grown clones and seedlings yield the heaviest harvests. A well-organized pre-harvest and harvest are essential to preserve cannabis quality and decrease the workload. Harvest when plants are at peak ripeness, Depending upon the high you like, which is discussed below, harvest timing is critical. The peak harvest window is open for about five to seven days.

France Marijuana Laws - Cannabis Legal Status in France

Offences and penalties related to personal use As with all drugs, use is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to one year possession is punished by up to 10 yrs. Legislation Code de la sant publique Art.L.3421-1 Penal Code Art. 222-37 Ministry of Justice Circular of 8 April 2005 Level of prosecution Warnings may be given for first cannabis use, if use is occasional and the circumstances do not justify prosecution. Occasional regular users receive direction to health social institutions.

Increasing Oxygen

You have probably heard stories or seen movies about a monster, warrior, or vampire that drinks blood, but have you ever heard of professional athletes using blood to increase performance In fact, the practice of influencing athletic performance by using blood to increase oxygen levels is becoming more and more common among athletes (although none of them actually drinks blood ).This practice of increasing oxygen levels through the use of blood, called blood doping, is defined by the World...

Medicinal Uses of Peyote

So far, we have discussed peyote and mescaline mostly in the context of their ability to produce intense psychedelic hallucinations. A vast majority of Native American peyote users, however, strongly believe that the peyote cactus and other mescaline-containing plants also have tremendous healing powers that can cure the ills of both the mind and the body. Many Native American cultures view illnesses as having supernatural causes (such as evil spirits), and believe that communication with...

Belamcanda chinensis L DC

From Asian, belamcanda Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. and from Latin, chinensis from China Synonymy Belamcanda punctata Moench., Ixia chinensis L., Pardan-thus chinensis Ker-Gawl., Pardanthus dichotomus sinensis sensu Hubotter. Common names Leopard lily, black berry lily, leopard flower bunga kipas (Malay) re quat, xa can, louidong, co quat phu (Vietnamese) she kon, she kan (Chinese). Fig. 415. Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. Fig. 415. Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. Physical description It is an...

Yoruba Nigeria Marijuana Seeds Cannabis Seeds Strain: Yoruba Nigeria

A pure strain from darkest Africa the original . Africa always produces amazing marijuana seeds strains and this one is special because it has not been crossed with other strains. It has a very hash like taste. An immediate rush Hold it a sec, while my brain is telling my eyes to go on ahead A nice chilled calm befalls you yet you feel active in odd moments.

The Virola Tree as a Source of Snuff

But even this corrected classification did not clear up all the confusion, because snuffs were attributed by many writers to Anadenanthera, whether or not that genus actually occurred locally, and even though the observed method of preparation suggested that several different and even unrelated species might be involved. The mystery was cleared up when several species of Virola, a tree belonging not, like Anadenanthera, to the Leguminoseae pea family but, like nutmeg, to the Myristicaceae, were...

Drug Tests For Salvia - Can Salvia Be Detected In A Drug Test?

There are a few tests that can detect salvia. The questions that most users face is whether this drug will actually be tested for, and if there is enough time between the last use of the drug and the test for the chemicals to leave the system. Because of its short duration in the blood stream this substance is not often found.

Guide to The Different Vaping Devices

Takeaway Vaping is one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis among new weed consumers, and an increasingly more available method of consumption. Here's what'll get you started on the right track as a beginner vaper. From delicately and perfectly dosed pre-filled syringes to sweets that contain enough THC to put out an bear, there are just so many ways to consume CBDs, THC and any cannabis product out there.

Address list of national centres that participate in the WHO Drug Monitoring Programme

Editor's note The details given here were correct at the time of going to press in January 2003. However, details of this sort often change, and readers should contact the WHO Monitoring Programme at Uppsala if they are unable to reach any of the agencies listed using the information given. Tel 54-1-340 0866 Fax 54-1-340 0866 E-mail snfvg Website Armenia ARM Dr Samvel Azatyan Deputy director Tel 374-1-584 020, 584 120 Fax 374-1-542 406 E-mail azatyan Website...

Raised beds

Raised beds are wonderful for growing in the backyard. Cultivation and weed control are easier, and soil quality is simpler to maintain. Build a raised bed on top of clay soils. Planting in a bed raised six to eight inches (15-20 cm) eliminates the necessity of trying to dig in clay while providing the early warmth and good drainage clay lacks. Plants can be put into the ground two weeks to a month early and may even produce an early spring crop. One friend plants on lop of the compost pile. He...

Little Flowers Of The Gods

Above One of the largest fruiting bodies of Psilocybe azurescens ever found. Above One of the largest fruiting bodies of Psilocybe azurescens ever found. There is a world beyond ours, a world that is far away, nearby, and invisible. And there is where God lives, where the dead live, the spirits and the saints, a world where everything has already happened and everything is known. That world talks. It has a language of its own. I report what it says. The sacred mushroom takes me by the hand and...

Anticancer Drugs Targeting Tubulin and Microtubules

Drugs That Inhibit Microtubule Polymerization at High Concentrations 231 2.1. Compounds binding at the Vinca site 231 2.2. Compounds binding at the colchicine site 236 3. Microtubule-Stabilizing Agents Compounds Binding at the 3.3. Miscellaneous marine compounds that bind to 4. Miscellaneous Anticancer Drugs Acting 5. Antivascular Effects of Microtubule-Targeted Agents 245 6. Mitotic Kinesin Inhibitors 246 References 247 Microtubules are filamentous intracellular structures that are responsible...

Penalties for Possession and Sale of MDMA in the United States

The average newspaper article about MDMA prior to 2001 frequently quoted up to fifteen years in prison or a 125,000 fine as the penalty for MDMA possession. This penalty has been cited repeatedly in articles about MDMA since its initial emergency scheduling in 1985. The penalties for MDMA possession or intent to distribute are complex. No mandatory minimum sentence exists for MDMA, as it does for some other drugs, such as crack cocaine. The maximum penalties are found in the statutes, but they...

Get Higher with Mangoes

Unlike the rumor smoking banana peels will produce a high, mangoes do contribute to increasing a stoners' weed high. Marijuana contains a chemical called Myrcene. High grade marijuana bud generally contains a comparatively higher concentration of myrcene than low grade cannabis bud. Mangoes, Lemon grass, and other less-common plants also contain high amounts of this chemical.

How Long Does A Salvia Trip Last

While knowing that a trip or experimental use of Saliva is for most people intense it is of short duration. For many who use this plant's leaves to have a glimpse of a different form of reality, this brief interlude is enough to satisfy them. In taking or using the leaves in anyway the effects do not last long, but most who have tried it find the experience memorable unlike some other types of psychoactive organics, which when taken will leave only fuzzy or uncertain memories.

Walter McCrone and Microchemistry

Negative head and torso views of the Shroud of Turin, dated May 18, 2006 P Deliss Godong Corbis At first it might seem as if history, forensic chemistry, and microscopes have little in common. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many chemical tests used as part of forensic chemistry and toxicology can be performed on a small scale, so small that the results require the use of a microscope to observe. Specialized tests and analyses using microscopes have also been developed and used. The...

Free Soma Soil Recipe

People I meet and smoke with always ask me, how do you get your pot to taste so good. I am an intense caretaker and lover of plants, when I do it I am fanatical in working with them, making little sacrifices in my own life so that the plants can feel the best they can. I always think medicine first, bills, money, problems, second. To get medicinal cannabis I grow on organic soil, rich in worm castings and all the other nutrients and trace minerals needed for a healthy weed plant. I don't use...

THC Metabolism

The amount of time required to metabolize THC has shown considerable variation from person to person and study to study. The period required to eliminate THC from the body should not be confused with the duration of the drug's psychoactive effects. People stop feeling high long before THC has left their bodies. Intoxication rarely last more than a few hours, with orally administered doses lasting longer than smoked cannabis. After an intravenous injection of THC, blood levels peak almost...

Dichrocephala latifolia Lamk DC

From Greek, di two and khros colour and kephale head, and from Latin, latus broad and folium leaf Synonymy Dichrocephala bicolor Roth Schlect., Cotula latifolia Pers., Grangea latifolia Lam. ex Poir., Dichrocephala integrifolia L.f. O.K. Physical description It is a herb which grows to a height of 40 cm in Southeast Asia, South China, Australia and Pacific Islands. The stems are subglabrous and somewhat angular. Leaves simple, spiral, and without stipules. The petiole is channeled, hairy and...

Mdma Myths And Rumors Dispelled

The only way to remove spinal fluid from the body is with a surgical intervention called a lumbar puncture, better known as a spinal tap. In the mid-1980s, ongoing research required spinal taps on Ecstasy users. It is possible that this rumor began because of this practice. MDMA research may drain your spinal fluid, but recreational Ecstasy use does not. Parkinson's disease is a neurological illness that affects one's ability to move fluidly and causes a tremor when a person is sitting still....

Why The Route Of Administration Matters

Because so much of the heart's output of blood goes to the brain, any route of administration that deposits a large amount of drug into the blood quickly will promptly get a large portion of that drug to the brain. In contrast, a route that gets the drug into the blood more slowly decreases the rate at which it gets to the brain and, because of the way the body eliminates drugs, will probably also reduce the amount of drug that finally does reach the brain. Why this is so will be described in...

Psilocybian Species

Conocybe cyanopus Found from May I through September usually in dense I shade scattered among mosses and in wet soil around bogs, swamps, and ditches in the northwestern USA and as far east as Michigan. Carpophores grow well in sphagnum moss having a pH range of 7-8. Copelandia cyanescens Found from early summer through late autumn scattered, grouped, or clustered on cow dung or rich soil in Florida and other southern states. Spores germinate easily on all agar media. Optimum growth occurs on...

Marijuana Pipes And Bongs

Moving away from cigarette is a smart move for many people as this method has a strong carbon component many are hoping to avoid. Both items offer a cleaner method of enjoying marijuana for recreational use, and not having higher carbon content is often very important for those who take it for medical reasons. No matter the reasons for wanting a one or the other there's often confusion as to what either of these devices truly are, and how they work.

5 Useful Tips For First-Time Weed Smokers

If you have been thinking about trying a session with weed for some time and are ready now, welcome to the club. Whether the reason is recreational or medicinal, you are surely going to enjoy the experience. But what really matters as a first-timer is to do it right. Is there some secret formula to get the best results right from the start Are there any precautions that you need to take as a newbie If you are not really sure about what you need to do as a first-time weed smoker, here are a few...

Meth Damages The Brain Permanently

For 20 years, scientific evidence has shown that long-term use of meth depletes supplies of dopamine by damaging dopamine receptors in the brain.24 Studies indicate that this brain damage can be permanent. Long-term meth users may develop life-long problems with verbal skills, memory, and may even develop Parkinson's disease, an incurable nervous disorder with symptoms of trembling hands and extreme muscle stiffness.6, 11 According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), animal studies...

Drug Drug Interactions Cephalosporins

There are many reports of acute renal insufficiency from combined treatment with gentamicin (or another aminoglycoside) and one of the cephalosporins (174176). The potential nephrotoxic effect of the combinations seems to be related mainly to the nephrotoxic effect of the aminoglycosides. In contrast, there is some evidence, both experimental (177) and clinical (178), that ticarcillin may attenuate the renal toxicity of the aminoglycosides. The nephrotoxic and ototoxic effects of cisplatin and...

Duboisia Hopwoodii

Common Names Pituri, pedgery, pitchery. Related Species Duboisia myoporoides, Duboisia leickhartii. Taxonomy Family Solanaceae. A shrub, sometimes a small tree. The genus is endemic to Australia. Chemistry Tropane alkaloids scopolomine and hyoscamine are present in Duboisia myop-oroides and D. leickhartii. Most accounts therefore ascribe the same chemistry to Duboisia hopwoodii, but according to Pamela Watson (1983b) Duboisia hopwoodii contains nicotine and d-nornicotine. Moreover, the...

Common Household Chemicals as Urinary Adulterants

People try to beat drug testing by adding adulterants into urine specimens. Several adulterants can cause false-negative results in drug testing by immunoassays. Common adulterants for masking drug testing are as follows and detection of these adulterants by specimen integrity tests is given in Table 2. 5. Golden Seal tea (produces dark urine). AlthoughFPIA is less subjected to interference from adulterants compared to the EMIT, some interference has also been reported with FPIA. Sodium...

The Making Of Meth

Meth is made using ordinary household utensils and appliances. Items such as coffee makers, blenders, microwaves, and mason jars are used in the cooking process. Seemingly ordinary, everyday products, such as matchbooks, camera batteries, rubbing alcohol, drain cleaner, engine starter fluid, brake cleaner, and table salt can be used in meth production. Because of the availability of these ingredients, a person can cook meth anywhere the back of a pickup truck on the side of a highway, a...

Determination of Cannabinoids in Meconium

Clinicians are increasingly interested in determining when a newborn infant has been prenatally exposed to marijuana or other drugs of abuse. Meconium is the preferred matrix for analysis in these cases because it retains drugs and drug metabolites for a longer time than does an infant's blood or urine (55). GC MS confirmation of THCA in meconium was first reported by Moore et al. (56). The meconium was initially screened by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott...

Washing Machine Hash

On a recent trip to the tropical region of Colombia, 1 was able to record how expert grower friends made hash in volume. They learned this technology from Mila. This informa- Tlie color of water should be light green, which signifies ail the hash and impurities have been cleaned out. Dirty water contains more contaminants. Tlie color of water should be light green, which signifies ail the hash and impurities have been cleaned out. Dirty water contains more contaminants. Here are the different...

Cutting Addiction: Why Do People Cut Themselves?

Cutting and other forms of self-harm are medical illnesses that occur when patients hurt themselves to help deal with deep-set emotions or distress. The prevalence of intentional self-injury is increasing and understanding the totality of the disease is complex. Proper, swift treatment is the best way to help prevent any dire consequences of cutting. Why Do People Cut Themselves The motives behind cutting are often counterintuitive.

Cocacocaine International

When Amerigo Vespucci landed on the coast of what is now Venezuela in 1499, the first thing he saw was a group of native peoples chewing coca leaf. The captain and most of his crew thought the practice disgusting, but it did not take Spanish colonists long to discover that chewing small amounts of coca leaf gave them more energy. In 1559, the Spanish herbalist and physician Nicholas Monardes, who practiced in the port city of Seville, heard stories about coca and saw the plants collected by...

Pre Flower Identification

Preflowers, as opposed to full-blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and are difficult to differentiate without magnification. The female preflower is pear shaped and produces a pair of pistils. Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils. Pistillate preflowers...

Rolling Blunts And Joints

LEARN HOW TO ROLL A BLUNT, JOINT AND SPLIFF Load it Tear it Load it Roll it Lick it BLUNTS AND JOINTS QUICK LINKSRoll a Blunt Roll a Spliff Roll a Joint Freestyle Roll a Joint Dollar Bill Roll a Joint Pen Technique Roll a Joint Classic Roller JOINT ROLLING VIDEO PROTECT YOUR PAPERSThere are many advantages to carrying rolling papers, rather than a pipe or bong. They're light, legal, and they come many to a pack. However, papers tend to bend and tear when carried around for any length of time.


Ever since (lie dawn of history man lias been agonizingly pursuing the answers (o two questions 'Wlial is the meaning and purpose of life ' and, 'Where can i get a good aphrodisiac ' Jack S. Margolis. and Richard Cl Jrfene A Child's Garden of Grass, 1669 The somewhat amazing axiom of modern science llial there are no true aphrodisiacs steins more from semanlic puhe-splitting tlian from realities about sexual arousal, performance and exhilaration. To maintain llial melliaqualone does not...

Drug Name Index

Pages in bold indicate the location of the main entry A as LSD, 228-32 MDMA, 254-59 A-bomb, 239-46 Abyssinian tea, 216-19 Acapulco gold, 239-46 Acapulco red, 239-46 AC DC, 100-103 Ace as marijuana, 239-46 PCP, 351-55 Acetaminophen and butorphanol, 73 and mephobarbital, 263 Acetomorphine, 191-98 Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl, 166 Acetylmethadol, 222 Acid, 228-32 Acido, 228-32 Acrid lettuce, 336 Actibine, 436-38 Actiq, 164-66 Actuss, 383-84 Ad, 351-55 Adam, 254-59 Adderall, 106-9 Adipex-P, 380-82...

The History Of Mdma

Although MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) has been in the public spotlight only since the mid-1980s, its history extends back to the beginning of the twentieth century. MDMA was synthesized some time before 1912. The German pharmaceutical giant Merck was attempting to create a new medication to stop bleeding when it stumbled across MDMA as an intermediate step in the synthesis. On Christmas Eve in 1912, Merck filed the patent for this styptic medication, called hydrastinin MDMA was included...

3-4-5-trimethoxy-phenyl-propene Oil

If measured as the sulfate, although the actual form used was usually the hydrochloride salt. The conversion factor is given under dosage above. Mescaline has always been the central standard against which all other compounds are viewed. Even the United States Chemical Warfare group, in their human studies of a number of substituted phenethylamines, used mescaline as the reference material for both quantitative and qualitative comparisons. The Edgewood Arsenal code number for it was E A-1306....

What Methamphetamine Looks Like And How It Is Taken

Methamphetamine most often comes in the form of white or clear crystals, which give it its nickname ice or glass. Methamphetamine crystals can also be brown in color. These crystals are most often smoked with a pipe or snorted Figure 2.1 and can easily be dissolved in water and injected intravenously. Methamphetamine crystals are also taken rectally. Meth powder and crystals often contain contaminants and impurities including lead from the chemical synthesis process that are often toxic....

Adsorption onto and Absorption into Containers and Transfer of Container Components into Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals may interact with packaging and containers, resulting in the loss of drug substances by adsorption onto and absorption into container components and the incorporation of container components into pharmaceuticals. Diazepam in intravenous fluid containers and administration sets exhibited a loss during storage due to adsorption onto glass and adsorption onto and absorption into plastics.740 741 Nitroglycerin, a liquid with a significant vapor pressure, is also significantly...

Helleborus albus Veratrum album

Heller T rke German colloquial term for a HELP Acronym for Help ELiminate Marijuana Prohibition, an organisation in USA, dedicated to eliminating marijuana prohibition laws its appropriate acronym is H.E.M.P. Helpanna Swedish colloquial term for a full bottle (75 cl) of vodka. Helror Swedish colloquial term for a full bottle (75 cl) of vodka. Helsingorspiller Swedish colloquial term for stimulant pills bought in Denmark. Hemb Colloquial term for crude marijuana. Hemer Veratrum album. Hemera...

Arundo bambusifolia Synonym for

Arundo bengalensis Synonym for Arundo donax. Arundo cypria Arundo donax. Arundo donax Reed, commonly used to make arrows and Pan-flutes. A psychioactive drug is made by putting the reeds in alcohol and water and sometimes adding seeds from Peganum harmala. Arundo glauca Synonym for Arundo donax. Arundo sativa Synonym for Arundo donax. Arundo tibialis Arundo donax. Arvesic Amobarbital sodium. Arvynol Ethchlorvynol. Arzt German colloquial term for 1. Person who wants to buy drugs. 2. Contact man....

Calea Zacatechichi

Common Dog grass, Thle-pelakano, leaf of God. Zacatechichi is Nahuatl for bitter grass. Name5 The bitterness is in a class with Artemisia absinthium. delated Species Not all races are psychoactive, even within the genus. Needs study. Taxonomy Sunflower family, Asteraceae, found from central Mexico south to Costa Rica. The plant likes open ground readily colonizes disturbed ground and land that has been burned over. The genus Calea is neotropical and contains a hundred other species besides...

Grievous Bodily Harm Colloquial term for GHB

Griff Colloquial term for marijuana. Griffa Colloquial term for marijuana. Griffin Colloquial term for LSD on paper. Griffo Colloquial term for marijuana. Griffs Colloquial term for marijuana. Grifo Mexican colloquial term for a drug user. Grillo Mexican colloquial term for marijuana. Grillodyne Phenobarbital. Grillos Spanish colloquial term for addicts. Grimie Colloquial term for marijuana cigarette with crack added.

Biospasm Phenobarbital sodium Bioaler Phenobarbital Bioavailability

The degree to which a drug or other substance becomes available at the physiological site of activity after administration. Biocalyptol-pholcodine Drug containing more than one active substance whereof one under international control Pholcodine. Biocapton Fenetylline hydrochloride. Biochemistry The chemistry of living organisms and life processes. Also called biologic chemistry, physiologic chemistry. Biocide Pentobarbital sodium. Biocodon, -e Hydrocodone bitartrate. Biodramina D Dexamfetamine...

General adverse effects Bkt

Several reviews have focused on herbal medicines and have covered the toxicity of medicinal plants 32-34 the safety of herbal products in general 35-46 adverse effects in specific countries, for example the USA 47 and Malaysia 48 adverse effects on specific organs 49 , such as the cardiovascular system 50 , the liver 51,52 , and the skin 53,54 the safety of herbal medicines in vulnerable populations elderly patients 55 , pregnant women 56 , and surgical patients 57,58 the adverse effects of...

Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A

Abstract After a thorough review of the limited ethnographic data on shamanic use of the entheogenic mint Salvia divinorum by the Mazatec Indians of the Sierra Madre Oriental of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, with special emphasis on pharmacognostical aspects, the author details the phytochemical studies which led to the isolation of the novel diterpene salvinorin A in 1982-1984.

Hawaiian baby woodrose Argyreia nervosa

Hawaiian pods Colloquial term for very potent hallucinogens. Hawaiian sunshine Colloquial term for LSD. Hawaiian woodrose Argyreia nervosa. Hawaiin Colloquial term for very high po Hawaiis finest Colloquial term for ice. Haway Artemisia mexicana. Hawk Colloquial term for LSD. Hawk-25 Colloquial term for LSD purportedly so named because the best LSD goes through 25 synthesis steps - shortcuts in synthesis apparently produce a drug with more negative side effects such as cramps, and backaches....

Artemisia Absinthium

Common Names Wormwood, absinthe, la Fee Verte, the Green Muse. that sage of the glaciers, absinthe Arthur Rimbaud (letter to Delahaye) As the term absinthe is used both as a synonym for wormwood and also as the name of the famous liqueur, we will use wormwood to refer to Artemisia absinthium, and absinthe to refer to the alcoholic beverage. RelatedSpecies Artemisia vulgaris mugwort (also called wormwood). Riparian, herbage full of vertue nervine, stimulant, a wash for poison oak, protection...

Cannabinoids and Thermoregulation

One of the characteristic pharmacological properties of CB1 receptor agonists is an ability to induce hypothermia (Pertwee 1985). The changes of body temperature caused by cannabinoids are dose dependent. According to Pertwee, higher doses of THC cause hypothermia by lowering the thermoregulatory set point, while lower doses are hyperthermic. It has been postulated that differential Gs and Gi protein activation by CB1 receptors could explain these findings (Sulcova et al. 1998)....

What Weapons Can Dea Agents Carry

SUBJECT USE or PEXDLV FORCE AKD OFriCTXL SOVERKMEKT VEHICLES A. This notice nfl procedures for Sections 6122.23 end B. These changes will be indoi or t d i to the next revision ef Chapter 61 of the Agfetfts Manufe shoot any person except in self-defense, felieve they or another p rsfch jrev odily harm. ots is expressly prohib uspecis except when th it poses a significant t serious physical injury to self or others. C. Shooting at a moving vehicle tires, etc., with the intent ef rendering it...

Dea-481 Deputization Request

Thlk notice provides the current guidelines and procedures for Chapters 3 and 65. fWtf-the following eent njgTp f-*0o KcHnw Jpe r tft ill C'JICELIS'ES TOR TEA FOREIGN ACTIVITIES end Contects with the resentetives in foreign ject, communications wi' . w Qyfetfticns by **the DEA Coun _ carried out with the concurrence of the U.S. Ambassador U.S. Mission Public Affairs Officer. The Country Attache or Supervisory Spec el Agent designated by the Country Atteche, may i.r cf and respond to inquiries...

Methylamine HCI from Formaldehyde and Ammonium Chloride

This is the least desirable of all three processes What do you mean by that This is really easy to do And the yield are fine . The yields are lower than the two rearrangements, and it requires substantial labor to get a decently pure product. Not labor as in difficult but labor as in a lot of it. I would suggest this only for those who have a large supply of Formaldehyde available to them (note - N. Coffey found formaldehyde at Home Depot - look for Mildewcide and dissolve it in enough water to...

Why illicit drugs must remain illicit

Oddly, of all areas of international cooperation, drug control is uniquely subject to calls that the struggle should be abandoned. Despite equally mixed results in international interventions,1 no one advocates accepting poverty or war as inevitable. Not so with drugs, where a range of unintended consequences have led some to conclude that the only solution is to legalise and tax substances like cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, methampheta-mine, and heroin. The strongest case against the current...

The History of Hallucinogens

Hundreds of species of plants contain the chemical substances we call hallucinogens, and have been altering the thoughts, moods, and perceptions of animals and people all over the world for thousands of years. A hallucinogen user may see a song, hear purple, or hold seemingly coherent conversations with family pets or house plants. A minute can feel like hours, and hours can feel like seconds. A user might become intrigued by a piece of furniture that appears to walk about the dining room, a...

The Toxicology Examination

The toxicologic investigation typically begins with the preliminary identification of drugs or chemicals present in postmortem specimens.30-39 Confirmatory testing is then performed to conclusively identify the substance(s) present in the postmortem specimens. In a forensic laboratory, positive identification must be established by at least two independent analyses, each based on a different analytic principle. The next step in the process is to determine the quantity of substance in the...

Magic mushrooms

Magic mushrooms contain psilocin and psilocybin, naturally-occurring compounds with hallucinogenic properties. Psilocin and psilocybin were designated Class A drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, apparently on account of their hallucinogenic properties. Psilocin is also listed under Schedule I, the highest level of prohibition, under the UN's Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971.94 Sir Michael Rawlins, Chairman of the ACMD, told us I have no idea what was going through the minds...

ABC classification system

The ABC classification system was designed to make it possible to control particular drugs according to their comparative harmfulness either to individuals or to society at large when they were misused.6 The ABC system has its origins in the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) 1971, which introduced the concept of 'controlled drugs' and (as amended) constitutes the main piece of legislation regulating the availability and use of these drugs. The purpose of the Act was to provide a coherent framework for...

10 Pot-Smoking U.S. Presidents

PresidentsPresidents today do not reach their positions without first facing rigorous background checks. Every word ever spoken and every action ever taken goes through intense scrutiny. The media sabotages their lives to know everything about them, and the public demands to know what motivates and drives them. U.S. Presidents smoking marijuana has always been publicly controversial subject. Presidents Smoking WeedNobody alive today remembers the commercial hemp industry.

The Equatorial Theory

The ratios of cannabinoids found in different varieties of cannabis differ greatly. Generally, marijuana grown at the equator contains mostly THC, CBN, and THCV, with only traces of CBD. As the distance from the equator increases, the amount of CBD in relation to THC increases. At the 30th parallel (northern Mexico, Morocco, and Afghanistan), amounts of CBD and THC found in adapted varieties are about equal. Above the 30th parallel, cannabis plants are usually considered But this is not a...

The Heart Lungs And Body Temperature

Intravenous meth users experience a high within 30 seconds of injecting the drug. The reason for this speedy reaction is because once injected into the bloodstream, meth travels straight to the heart. It causes veins and arteries to constrict, which then reduces blood flow and elevates blood pressure, leading to increased body temperature, faster heartbeat, and possible blood clotting. High doses and frequency of meth use can increase body temperature (called hyperthermia) to dangerous levels,...

The baclofen withdrawal syndrome

Long-term administration of baclofen is widely used in patients with muscle spasticity resulting from a variety of cerebral and spinal chord lesions. As with other GABA receptor agonists, withdrawal reactions will occur if it is stopped abruptly. Patients can present with different symptoms, not all ofwhich would be considered classical of drug withdrawal. Some interesting aspects of withdrawal symptoms after baclofen administration have been highlighted in three recent reports. Clinical...

Butalbital Acetaminophen Caffeine

Drug containing more than one active sub stance whereof one under international control Butalbital. Butalbitale Butalbital. Butalgen Butalbital. Butalgin, -a, -e Methadone hydrochloride. Butalguine Methadone hydrochloride. Butalix Secbutabarbital sodium. Butamed Secbutabarbital sodium. Butamid Secbutabarbital sodium. Butamin Mallard Secbutabarbital. Butan Butane. Butane C4H10 Either of two isomers of a gaseous hydrocarbon, produced synthetically from petroleum. butane is a petroleum hydrocarbon...

Brief History of Combinatorial Chemistry

While combinatorial synthesis is a relatively new field of chemistry, Nature has been utilizing the same principles since the beginning. Although biologists had previously recognized the power of combinatorial chemistry, its application to problems relating to chemistry did not emerge until recently. Chemists' confidence in rational design has previously kept them away from systematic explorations in chemical synthesis. The rather dramatic developments in molecular biology and high-throughput...

Ritalin and the Human Brain

ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER SYMPTOMS IN SEARCH OF A CAUSE The symptoms of inattention, distractibility and or hyperactivity that define attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) improve when treated with the stimulant drug Ritalin. For long-term success, however, the behaviors associated with these symptoms can also addressed with different techniques, some of which have been described in Chapter 2. These two different types of treatments point to two different causes for...

Beclomethasone and Betamethasone

Beclomethasone and betamethasone are two very closely related glucocorticoid immunosuppressants with identical structures, except in betamethasone, the heteroatom substituent on the steroidal backbone is fluorine 12 , while in beclomethasone, the heteroatom substituent is chlorine 13 . The chemical structures of beclomethasone and betamethasone dipropionate are depicted in Figure 1. Frequently, these two drugs are administered as salt forms dipropionate, sodium phosphate due to their low...

Factors Affecting Bioactivity

The biochemical systems encountered by a drug molecule are extremely complex. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the factors affecting the drug's interactions and contributing to its final effect are also manyfold. The factors may be divided into three categories 1. Physicochemical properties such as solubility, partition coefficients, and ionization. 2. Chemical structure parameters such as resonance, inductive effect, oxidation potentials, types of bonding, and isosterism. 3. Spatial...

Orthosiphon stamineus Bth

From Greek, orthos straight and siphon tune and from Latin, staminis thread Physical description It is a perennial herb of 1 m height. It is native to Southeast Asia and cultivated as an ornamental or medicinal plant in several tropical countries. The stems are quadrangular, purplish, pithy and glabrous. Synonymy Orthosiphon grandiflorus Bold., Orthosiphon aristatus (Bl.) Miq., Orthosiphon spicatus (Thunb.) Bak. Common names Java tea, kidneys tea plant misai kuching (Malay) ya nuat maeo, rau...

The Fly Agaric and the Intoxicating Urine

There was one aspect of Siberian mushroom intoxication, reported even in the earliest sources, that must have seemed singularly shocking to one who encountered it for the first time the drinking of the urine of a bemushroomed person, and also the urine of reindeer that had browsed as reindeer apparently like to do on the fly-agaric. By no means all the tribes that used Amanita muscaria also drank fly-agaric urine, but the custom was sufficiently well-developed and widespread to have drawn the...

Italy Marijuana Laws - Cannabis Legal Status in Italy

Offences and penalties related to personal use As with all drugs, cannabis-related offences (such as possession for personal use) are punishable by administrative sanctions from the second offence onwards. Legislation DPR 309 90, Art. 75. Level of prosecution Only a warning is given for first offences of possession of this kind of drug for personal use, with the presumption that the offender does not intend to repeat the offence in future.

Ketamine Use In Tranquilizer Darts

The ability of ketamine to render the user unable to move or experience pain has resulted in a very effective use for the drug in animals tranquilizer darts. Through a blowgun, rifle, or similar method, a dart or syringe loaded with a high dose of ketamine can be launched from a distance toward a large animal to incapacitate it for transport, research, or veterinary care. When the dart strikes the animal, it empties its content into the muscle similar to an intramuscular injection in humans ,...

Predators And Pests

Predators and pests will always be a problem. Here are some Predators and Pests that you may encounter during your grow. Along with their names we have also explained how to get rid of the unwanted pest. Also it must be said that a cat for a garden grow is the 1 defence system against most small predators, but an indoor cat will bring unwanted pests into the house You can not have the best of both worlds. Cats also like to play with indoor plant so be very careful with your plants and pets Only...

Effects of Cannabinoids on the Limbic System

A major function of the CNS is to keep the internal environment stable and constant (homeostasis). The limbic system in general and the hypothalamus in particular are vital for this through three major, closely related processes the secretion of hormones, the central control of the autonomic nervous system, and the development of emotional and motivational states. The limbic system is the primitive brain ( reptilian brain) and consists of deeply seated brain structures the hippocampus,...

Agents Manual

The procedures, guidelines and other provisions of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agents Manual are not intended to, do not, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter, civil or criminal. Except for purposes of internal DEA procedure and discipline, these guidelines do not place any limitations on otherwise lawful investigative or litigative prerogatives of the DEA, its employees, or the Department of...

Birthing the Cakes

Once a cake is completely covered in white mycelium, wait at least 1-2 more days before taking the cake out of the jar. When you are ready, and in a fairly clean room, begin transferring the cakes from their jars into their fruiting chamber (described in the next step). Remove the lid of each jar, and dump out the dry vermiculite on top. Then, put the lid back over the top of the jar. Slowly turn the jar upside down, so that the cake is resting on the jar lid. You may need to gently tap the jar...

Synedrella nodiflora L Gaertn

From Latin, nodus node and flos Common names Cinderella node weed, porter bush, pig grass rumput babi Malay ngaroiarui Cook Islands cerbatana Spanish . Uses In Malaysia, Synedrella nodiflora L. Gaertn. is applied externally to soothe inflammation and to assuage headache. The juice, expressed from the leaves mixed with the seeds of Nigella sativa, is used to assuage earache. In India, the leaves are used to treat rheumatism. Fig. 379. Synedrella nodiflora L. Gaertn. Fig. 379. Synedrella...

Mother Clone Room Design

Oxygen content Nutrients 20 Composition Purity Growing Medium 20 Air content Moisture content The most productive setups utilize two rooms. The first room is for vegetative growth, mother plants, and rooting clones. This room should be about one-quarter the size of the flowering room. When the flowering room crop is harvested, plants from the vegetative room are moved into the flowering room. Super productivity is achieved with a perpetual crop. Several clones are taken every day or every week....

The Bubble Bucket

1 Get two 5-Gallon buckets with lids. Wash it out with bleach 3 Cut a hole in lid of bucket so the net pot sits in neatly all the way down. 4 Cut a hole in the lid about 2cm in diameter near the rim the pump hose goes in here . 5 Use Black gaffer tape to wrap the pot so it is light proof. If light gets in alga will develop in the water. This is not good. Wrap the lid as well. 6 Get a fish-tank pump and air-stone. 7 Get your medium together - rockwool, clay pebbles etc. 8 Get the Nutrients and...

Primary Components of a Breeding Program

1 - Develop a vision or a breeding goal. Every breeding program should begin by developing a breeding goal. Why are you trying to make seed What are you trying to accomplish by mating these sets of parents You might be trying to make a seed population that represents the traits of an ideal, or mostly ideal plant you have previously selected. In the case of the latter, you might be trying to add new traits to your mostly ideal plant and incorporate these new traits into a new seedline. Some may...

Mushroom Spore Liquid Culture Honey Tek

Sterilize them and allow to cool. To break the mycelium up while in the syringe, Draw air through the needle while flaming it. Then give the syringe a shake for 2 minutes. Then inoculate the jars with the syringe that was made. There you have it. Colonization should complete in about one to two weeks. Now the jar you injected the Karo into doesn't ever need to be birthed. It could be taped and put into the refrigerator to be re-used. You'll never need another...

Subjective Effects

Perceptions change during marijuana intoxication. Time and space appear distorted. The senses seem more sensitive. Higher functions like thought, memory, and spirituality can alter, too. Some of these changes stem from the pharmacological properties of the cannabinoids. Others arise from the expectations of the user, the demands of the environment, or the attitudes of the culture where the drug is ingested. These factors can combine in unpredictable ways to create odd experiences. This chapter...

Ephedrine And Pseudoephedrine

The chemicals ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are like cousins to each other. They share the same molecular formula but are structurally different. However, the structural differences between ephedrine and pseudoephedrine do not affect meth production since they are mirror images of each other. They can be used interchangeably as precursors in meth recipes. Precursors are substances that, in nature, might be inactive, but when combined with another chemical, create a new product. Methamphetamine...

Piper Methysticum

And over a thousand other names. Most kava people have dis-Names tinct names for each of the many varieties of kava that they grow, usually fifty or more. Figure that there are three hundred languages in Indonesian New Guinea alone, and at least that many in the rest of Melanesia, and scores more in Micronesia and Polynesia. Just multiply fifty by five hundred. Related Species Piper betle, the leaf used to wrap betel nut Piper nigrum, black pepper Piper cubeba, cubeb....

Other Cacti And Plants That Contain The Psychedelic Chemical Mescaline

The peyote cactus is not the only plant that contains mescaline. There are actually numerous plants (mostly cacti) that contain this chemical. Some examples of other mescaline-containing plants include Lophophora diffusa, Trichocereus pachanoi (also called the San Pedro cactus ), and Trichocereus peruvianus (also called the Peruvian Torch ). Even though Lophora diffusa and Trichocereus cacti contain mescaline, they don't necessarily produce the same psychedelic effects as peyote. This is...

Fdin Thresholds

The initials of the agent who acquired the exhibit and the agent(s) (or other law enforcement official) who witnessed the acquisition or handled the exhibit in any manner. 3. ' The investigative file number. These markings, where practicable, should be made directly on the exhibit, using a permanent marker. ' - - 1. Use of Evidence Labels. When using a plastic heat-sealable evidence envelope, use the label permanently a-ffixed to the envelope. When using another means to package the exhibit,...

Changes in Drug Dissolution from Tablets and Capsules

Dissolution (or release) of a drug substance from a dosage form, such as a tablet or a capsule, is a very important characteristic. Dissolution characteristics have been known to change upon storage. For example, the dissolution rate of carbamazepine tablets decreased markedly when they were stored at room temperature and 100 RH for a period as short as 6 days (Fig. 163).670 Such dramatic changes in dissolution rate may alter the bioavailability of the drug. However, changes in in vitro...

Marijuana And The Juvenile Justice System

The first juvenile court in the United States was established in Illinois in 1899. The juvenile justice system was founded on the principles of rehabilitation, with a focus on the offender, not the offense. In the 1950s and 1960s, many began to question the ability of the juvenile court to effectively rehabilitate delinquent youth by the 1980s, the pendulum began to swing away from lenient approaches and toward more severe sanctions for juvenile offenders. The 1990s completed this turnabout as...

The Great LSD Conspiracy

While Leary was in the slammer, his erstwhile patron Billy Hitch-cock got tangled in a legal mess of his own making. It had taken almost four years for the government to gather enough evidence to indict the young Mellon heir for income tax evasion. He also faced charges stemming from stock market malpractice. A lengthy jail term seemed almost certain unless he struck a bargain with the authorities. He called Tim Scully, who had dropped out of the acid business a few years ago, and explained the...

Antipsychotics For Bipolar Disorder Better Than Lithium

For the last thirty years, lithium has been the gold standard for treatment of mania in bipolar disorder. Recently, however, pharmaceutical companies have been conducting studies using antipsychotic drugs in bipolar patients with great success. Antipsychotic drugs are usually given to people suffering from hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking. Although these symptoms are most often found in schizophrenic patients, the manic phase of bipolar disorder can also bring on psychosis....

Psilocybe Cyanescens Potent Mushrooms Growing On Wood Debris

At least one other Psilocybe species in addition to Psilocybe semilanceata is known to exist in Europe. At this point, I must emphasize that the differentiation of single species within the Psilocybe genus is subject to considerable controversy among eminent taxonomists. For example, there are different methods of distinguishing the Hypholoma genus from the Stropharia genus. While Psilocybe semilanceata is a species that has long been clearly defined and is well known by this name, there are,...