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    • E-Jets Family by X-Crafts

      E-Jets Family v1.1.0-RC1 Available through our Open Beta Program

      The moment has finally arrived for us to share the Early Access version of our highly anticipated version 1.1.0 of our E-Jets Family which finally brings most of the big features the community has been asking for! This is the biggest update since the initial release, and this really brings the E-Jets to a whole new level of authenticity, and ease of use! 

      V1.1.0-rc1 is now accessible as an Early Access version through our Open Beta Program to all E-Jets Family customers.

      Work in Progress disclaimer

      • Our open beta allows you to test our latest features and fixes before they are officially released.
      • Install at your own risk, this is a Work in progress version and you acknowledge that you may encounter issues or crashes. Although we have been testing this version for months and it should already be very stable!

      How do I participate?

      • Full information can be found on the official Open Beta Program page
      • Any E-Jets Family customer can use the SkunkCrafts Updater to access the beta channel of the E-Jets.
      • The updater allows you to access the beta versions, or backroll to the last stable version in seconds.
      • Make sure you see a skunkcrafts_updater_beta.cfg file in your E-Jets product folder. If not, please run the updater to get it.
      • You will have to reactivate your aircraft every time you try a new version. If you run out of activations, please send me a private message here with your activation key and I will add more to your account
      • Please watch the video below that explains how to download the beta version:



      The updater might be showing you an old version of the aircraft. It might also show you a red error message about the configuration file missing or something similar.


      In December 2023 we had to change our servers where the Open Beta files are stored and your issue is likely caused by you still having the old configuration file.

      HOW TO FIX IT:
      Step 1:

      • Option 1: You can either delete the aircraft and redownload it from the store. This will give you the latest configuration files.
      • Option 2: You can manually delete the old skunkcrafts_updater_beta.cfg file, then run the updater (with the beta channel disabled). This will then download the latest config file for you.

      Step 2:

      • Once you finished one of the two options above, you can re-enable the beta channel and update to the open beta version as explained in the video above.



      Full v1.1.0-rc1 Release Notes



      • The FMS Speed feature automatically sets the correct speed for the autothrottle setting throughout the entire flight, based on the phase of the flight, the aircraft configuration, or speeds defined in the FMS or SID/STAR speed limits.
      • The FMS Speed must always follow the Speed Schedules (CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT) defined on PERF INIT 3/3 page unless overwritten by any limits that would limit the speed to a lower value. The limiting values are:
      • Speed Schedule (Based on PERF INIT 3/3) - Highest speeds
      • Manual waypoint speed entry (Defined by user)
      • 10000ft Speed Limit (“250 below 10000”. Defined on the CLIMB Page)
      • Departure Speed Limit or GO Around Speed Limit (Limiting speeds around airports)
      • Flaps Speed limit (Set by the max flaps speed limits)
      • Takeoff or Approach Speeds - Lowest speeds
      • For a full description of how FMS Speed works, please see the manual.


      • The Autotune feature will automatically load the correct NAV frequency into the radios based on the approach selected in the FMS. This happens 30NM out of the airport.
      • Automatic Switch to V/L implemented: When the approach has been armed by pressing APP and the preview mode has been enabled by pressing PREV, the autopilot will automatically switch from FMS as the source for the AP to V/L (VOR/Localizer) when the lateral deviation of the approach is less than 1 dot. This means that the pilot no longer has to manually tune in the ILS frequency or switch from FMS to the LOC source manually.

      STEEP APPROACH (Available on the E170 & E190)

      • The steep approach system allows the aircraft to fly to London City airport or other airports that have approaches steeper than 3.5°. These approaches are thrilling and challenging!
      • The steep approach system opens the speed brakes dynamically during the approach to increase drag and subsequently increase the throttle setting. This helps during a possible go-around.


      • All screens now pop up as 2D pop-ups which can be popped out into a separate window.
      • Click with the left mouse button to open.
      • Click and drag with the left mouse button to move the screens around.
      • Click with the right mouse button to close them. Many values on the screens can be directly changed by scrolling over them, like altitude, speed, HDG, etc.


      • Added halo effect to the landing and taxi lights for XP12.1
      • The pilots ARE NOW ALIVE! They are now animated, with constant movement. They will also shake in turbulence, move with G forces on landing or turn their heads based on the pitch, roll and yaw.
      • TERM indicator added to the PFD when we enter the Terminal area which is 30NM radial distance from the destination airport. This will disappear when you switch from FMS to V/L.
      • Typical ITT temperature drop-off during the startup sequence added also in X-Plane 12, as on the real aircraft.



      • Fixed: TOD not updating correctly on the VSD after some flight plan changes.
      • Fixed: The gross weight on the FMS now matches the gross weight on the STATUS MFD page.
      • Fixed: FMS not showing all runways at KDEN and other airports.
      • Fixed: A random CTD likely caused by an ETA prediction error.
      • New: You can now use the Backspace key on your keyboard to clear any scratchpad messages. That means you can click them by pressing TAB - BACKSPACE - TAB.
      • Fixed various minor FMS bugs


      • Fixed: Removed a glowing surface under the window at night.
      • Fixed: The WX button on the GS panel had corrupted letters.
      • Cockpit Dome Lights increased brightness to properly illuminate the cockpit.
      • Fixed: Cockpit Dome Lights cast light but the actual light bulb was not on when on DC power.
      • Fixed: Cockpit Lights and Cabin lights being on in Cold & Dark.
      • Fixed: Issues with missing manipulators on the FMS radio knobs.
      • Fixed: The right MFD manipulator now pops out the new pop-up MFD screen instead of opening the old pop-ups.
      • Fixed: The erroneous overlapping AT DISCONNECT annunciator when changing from SPDT to SPDE.


      • Improved: Lateral and vertical Autopilot constants have been extensively fine-tuned to minimize overshooting of turns in LNAV or overshooting of the bugged altitude.
      • Fixed: Trim didn't disconnect AP.
      • Fixed: PTH is no longer available when switching from FMS to LOC2.


      • Improved: Fine-tuned AT constants for the millionth time, which should be more stable even during high winds. This should improve AT stability as well as approach descent rate stability.
      • Please note that due to X-Plane's flight model calculations and the inability to set different AT constants for high speed and low speeds, every effort has been put into finding the right balance, but in certain corner cases, the AT may still experience a bit of overshooting or undershooting, just like on the real aircraft.


      • Improved: FD increases pitch automatically based on the commanded speed as soon as the aircraft leaves the ground.
      • Improved: Overhaul of ATTCS (Autothrottle Takeoff Control System). Revised to allow use of normal FMS Speeds for takeoff without the concern of inadvertent power loss on takeoff.


      • New: Added Steep Approach indications.
      • New: Vf speed bugs added to the speed tape.
      • Improved: NAV Frequencies are now magenta if autotune is enabled on the FMS RADIO page. It will be green if autotune is disabled.
      • Improved: The overspeed bar indication now show the correct setting whether we are in KIAS or MACH.
      • Improved: Improvements to the FMA to reflect all ATTCS improvements.
      • Fixed: TO Vspeeds sometimes not being visible.
      • Fixed: Corrected the DME 1 Distance indicator on the PFD.


      • Fixed: Fixed the Map being frozen and then crashing the sim in some situations
      • Fixed: Changed some instruments being tied to the wrong brightness knob.
      • Fixed: Transponder modes now work correctly.
      • Fixed: The wind indications were showing wrong values. Any further issues are likely related to wrong data sent from X-Plane.
      • Fixed: Fuel temperature data on the Fuel Synoptic page uses more accurate data.
      • Fixed: Hydraulic temperature data on the Hydr Synoptic page uses more accurate data.
      • Fixed: Safety valve on the ECS page showing OPEN in incorrect situations.


      • Improved: Cyan arch showing throttle request doesn't go beyond the TRS limit anymore.
      • Fixed: Pitch readout on the EICAS showing 0 and 1 superimposed when the pitch was 0.95°.
      • Fixed: APU Dashes not returning after first APU run


      • Improved: Completely reworked the TO CG calculations, which should now always calculate the optimal Takeoff CG.
      • Improved: The EFB will now prioritize loading the front cargo bay as on the real aircraft
      • Fixed: Fix CTD when an invalid airport ICAO is entered and new input is made to other fields while the error alert box is shown.
      • Fixed: Fixed CTD when entering wrong data into the wind field.


      • Improved: Adjustments upwards allowed to allow adjusting of any overshoots in level-offs.

      FLIGHT MODEL (X-Plane 12 only)

      • Improved: Aerodynamics have been fine-tuned to result in an even more accurate flight model.
      • Improved: Weight and balance for all aircraft have been revised to match the AOM values. This was done in conjunction with the EFB W&B improvements to ensure optimal TO CG and prevent early liftoff during takeoffs.
      • Improved: Extensive engine performance improvements have been done to achieve an even more accurate performance. Climb times now match the AOM values.
      • Improved: Startup sequence was reworked and fine-tuned to get ever closer to the real values and times.
      • Fixed: Made some changes which should fix the inability to start the engines also at high altitudes.
      • Improved: Fuel flow has been fine-tuned.
      • Improved: Added KEAS values needed for XP12.09+ flight models.
      • Improved: Gear friction fine-tuned.

      SYSTEMS (X-Plane 12 only)

      • Improved: Improvements to the hydraulic system to take advantage of new X-Plane 12 features.
      • Improved: Nose wheel steering has been slowed down from 1 to 3 seconds for the full rotation.


      • New: Improved the Anti Ice indications. ICE CONDITIONS messages added to the CAS warning section. Anti-Ice now shows ICE CONDITIONS when flying through clouds around 0°C. Ice will not form if it's raining or colder.
      • Improved: The windshield ANTI ICE switches are now separated for left and right in XP12.
      • Improved: Improved the Anti-Ice Page temperature values on the ANTI ICE synoptic MFD page.
      • Fixed: Temp number on the right leading edge missing on anti-ice page in cold and dark
      • Fixed: Anti-ice During Startup: Improvements have been made to eliminate engine startup issues at high-altitude airports.


      • Cockpit seat shake noise randomized pitch to sound slightly differently every time


      • Improved: Default X-Plane Autothrottle command is overridden by our custom command, so you don't have to reassign the command on your hardware.
      • Fixed: TO CONFIG saying NO TAKEOFF FLAPS TRIM if only trim was wrong.



      Posted By: X-Crafts @ 2 July 2024 - 10:06 pm Comments: 2 - View Comments
    • AP1GczPCzvkoB0VcUajCZ2JOhaNYFBWJG1IpmxOYVSKYLABS Robison R66 v3.0 was just released!
      Available now: https://store.x-plane.org/Robinson-R66-Turbine_p_1172.html

      This project is part of the VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot' series, designed specifically for use with X-Plane cutting edge Flight Model.

      The Robinson R66 helicopter is a 5-seat turbine powered helicopter. It utilizes a two-bladed rotor system, T-bar cyclic and the latest Robinson technology. The R66 is powered by the Rolls Royce RR300 turbo-shaft engine, which operates on Jet A fuel and offers increased reserve power and improve altitude performance. Hydraulic controls provide responsive handling and eliminates feedback forces.

      The VSKYLABS R66 project is setting up a highly detailed and highly accurate Robinson R66 Turbine simulation along with full VR compatibility.

      *The development of the VSKYLABS Robinson R66 project for X-Plane flight simulator was approved by the Robinson Helicopter Company. However, it is an independent VSKYLABS project which is not related nor affiliated with the Robinson Helicopter Company. The VSKYLABS Robinson R66 Project is also not affiliated with BC Helicopters.

      Project Main Features

      • VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot' Project.
      • Highly defined flight dynamics model of the Robinson R66 Turbine helicopter, built around the powerful, native X-Plane flight model.
      • Highly detailed model of the Robinson R66 helicopter.
      • Robust simulation of the R66 drive train and RR300 Turbo-shaft engine: Utilizes X-Plane's new and advanced free turbine simulation.
      • Autorotation capable.
      • Comprehensive systems: Drive system, Hydraulics flight controls, Engine Anti-ice, Starter-generator and ignition system, Fuel system, Auxiliary fuel system, Electrical system with functional CB panel, Lighting, Annunciator panel, Cabin heater, Rotor brake and more.
      • Fully functional VR (Virtual Reality) Ready: highly interactive cockpit environment including levers, switches, fuel cut-off / shut-off guards, 3D checklist viewer, modular cyclic and more.
      • Equipped with Robinson's 'later' advanced panel: a perfect mix of the traditional analog gauges and glass cockpit display.
      • R66 Auxiliary fuel system.
      • Fully featured G1000 (modified).
      • Autopilot.
      • Built-in Avitab Compatibility (Avitab plugin not included).
      • Multi-Layer FMOD sound pack.
      • The project is under constant development: development road-map is including flight model refinements, enhanced systems depth, additional liveries and other improvements.
      • Autoupdater based on the SkunkCrafts autoupdater (XP12 only) - all updates are being pushed smoothly without the need to re-download the entire base package (base package will be updated every once in a while to minimize the gap).
      • Highly responsive VSKYLABS support forums.

      Fast fact!:

      VSKYLABS R66 was inspired by the Epic Global Heli World Tour!

      In 2018, BC Helicopters team (Mischa Gelb, Ruben Dias and Diogo Dias), flew around the world in the R66 helicopter, in an effort called 'EPIC Global Heli World Tour'. The mission lasted 97 days, in which the team covered 30,000 miles, stopping in 45 countries and flying over 5 continents. It established 2 new world records (fastest Antipode RTW on a helicopter, and longest RTW on a helicopter). During that tour, YouTube channel 'Pilot Yellow' shared a fascinating daily VLOG of the mission.

      The EPIC Global world tour was one of the triggers that initiated the VSKYLABS R66 Project development for X-Plane!

      The VSKYLABS R66 default livery includes the EPIC 'C-GEAK' call-sign and paint scheme, which was approved for use in the project by BC Helicopters.












      Posted By: VSKYLABS @ 1 July 2024 - 9:36 am Comments: 2 - View Comments
    • front quarter wingfold hero shot front.jpg

      An Interview with ICON Aircraft

      Conducted by Dominic Smith

      Ever wondered what it’s like to skip the traffic and soar over lakes and landscapes instead? Thanks to ICON Aircraft, turning that dream into a reality is more accessible than ever. With their groundbreaking A5, flying isn’t just about getting from point A to B; it’s about adventure.For those of you who’ve experienced the thrill of flying the VSKYLABS A5 model in X-Plane, you’ll have a good idea of what this remarkable aircraft can offer.

      Today, we’re fortunate to chat with Andy Jackson from ICON Aircraft, who’ll share deeper insights into how they’re reshaping personal aviation for pilots around the world. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the world of ICON Aircraft, where every flight promises a new adventure.

      Introduction to Icon Aircraft
      Andy, could you start by giving us a brief history of Icon Aircraft? What core mission or vision was the company founded upon?

      ICON Aircraft sought to take advantage of the Sport Pilot and LSA categories when the FAA came out with them. The vision is to make personal adventure flying aspirational and more accessible. The A5 was conceived as a plane that would appeal to new and experienced pilots alike. The ICON A5 blends together a one-of-a-kind combination of beauty, ease of operation, safety, fun, and versatility. There’s nothing else like it, and it will change everything you thought you knew about aviation – pilot or not (yet). The ICON A5 is not about transportation. It’s about air adventure. Our owners can be found island-hopping in the Caribbean, camping in the back country, and taking off from lakes, grass strips, or regional runways to experience the world in an entirely new way, and on their own terms.


      Moving on to the design and development of the Icon A5, what were the primary inspirations and goals behind its creation? Were there specific challenges or market needs you aimed to address?

      The goal was to have a product that was so safe and easy that it not only appealed to the masses but delivered the fun dream to take flight as simply as possible. ICON made giant leaps in innovation. If you look at where automated and vertical lift transportation is headed these days, you can trace innovations and overcoming barriers to things ICON has been doing. The challenges of the amphibious market specifically are known and shared by all manufacturers and pilots – insurance, facility and resource access, and continuity of safe training. The ICON approach to structured training has been lauded by many and continues to be the foundational tool we use to attack most of our challenges. 

      From a design perspective, the ICON A5 is the kind of plane you’d expect to see in a James Bond film. It is the ultimate adventure machine. It is designed to change the way you interact with the world, even if you’ve owned other aircraft in the past. It is extremely versatile. For one, it is amphibious, meaning it’s as comfortable and easy to operate on the water as it is on a runway or remote grass strip. The A5 turns a lake into your own private airport. It’s possible to never step foot in on an airport.


      The ICON A5 is also a marvel of industrial design with intuitive controls, a cockpit that feels like a sports car, foldable wings and a futuristic design that allows unobstructed views of the world outside. The ICON A5 is where art meets aviation. It is also one of the safest small airplanes ever built. It is the first Light Sport Aircraft certified by the FAA as Spin Resistant. There is also a full airplane parachute in case of emergency and an Angle of Attack gauge, which makes flying more intuitive, safer, and easier. 

      Additionally, the ICON A5 is easy to fly. It has an intuitively designed cockpit. Everything is where it should be. No detail left untouched. It looks more like a sports car than a traditional plane cockpit. The A5 is loaded with innovative features that redefine what a personal airplane should be.


      Technical and Design Aspects
      What are some of the key features that set the Icon A5 apart from other light-sport aircraft?

      Safety features are the easiest ones to point out on the A5 because they do truly set us apart. The A5 features a full-airplane parachute and very slow stall speeds, and in addition, our use of the Angle of Attack gauge is trendsetting. The A5’s degree of spin resistance is also very unique and rare. Additionally, we have folding wings for convenience and ease of storage. We are the only ones to offer wings that one person can fold in under 20 seconds. Then we have luxury features like the carbon fiber interior, cupholders and headset cradles, and ability to stand on the Seawings without getting a toe wet – it’s our own built in swim platform. 


      Could you describe the development process of the Icon A5, particularly any innovative methods used? For instance, did you employ virtual modelling or wind tunnel testing to refine the aircraft's design before physical production?

      Our use of designers from across transportation was instrumental and is rare in our industry. We had designers and engineers from some of the premier automakers and boat designers participate in all stages of the A5’s design. And it wasn’t about testing the concept. The idea of the plane was sound. It was about being able to build it with the many innovative features we wanted to have incorporated. We have proven that we can do it now. Very few were using the state-of-the-art composite construction processes that we have brought to mass production now through our experience and expertise. 

      Right Side Interior Closeup_Edit.jpg

      Can you explain the safety features integrated into the Icon A5 and how they contribute to its reputation as a safe aircraft?

      Our premier safety feature comes from being the only production aircraft out there to have passed the ENTIRE array of FAA tests and be certified as Spin Resistant. That means so much to the novice and experienced pilot alike, knowing that in the worst circumstances that could happen, departing controlled flight should not happen. It reduces a traffic pattern stall from a critical and potentially lethal error to a reminder to fly better. Add to that the previously mentioned slow stall speeds, the use of AOA for instant flying energy analysis, the stability of the CG, and the strength of construction. You can’t find many aircraft with comparable efforts at reducing injury or incident. 

      Pilot Experience
      The Icon A5 is renowned for its intuitive, car-like interior, which is often highlighted as making aviation more accessible. How does this design philosophy cater to both novice and experienced pilots, and what has been the feedback from these two distinct groups?

      If you are new to flying, the view of a traditional instrument stack can be very intimidating. No one looks at our interior and thinks that it is too much to learn. ICON really got the interior down to the minimum clutter and maximum efficiency one should expect from any vehicle. Having an interior more like a high-end sports car makes it more familiar and understandable. If you notice, the AOA gauge is front and center, which is ideal for our techniques for energy management during flight. Feedback on the flying experience has been extremely positive. It is clean, professional, and fun. 

      interior dash shot centered_cropped.jpg

      What type of transition training does Icon Aircraft offer to pilots who are new to flying an amphibious aircraft like the A5? How do you ensure a smooth learning curve?

      For the pilots who are new to seaplane operations we have the Transition Land-plane Course or TX-L. It is a four-day course that ends with an FAA Proficiency Check given by another instructor as regulated by the PTS. The result is an LSA-Seaplane Endorsement on their certificate. Our curriculum ensures that every student is taught by the same standards and with the same learning objectives regardless of where they are taught or by which ICON Authorized Flight Instructor. It also allows for different skill levels and learning rates because it is performance-based completion. If someone needs more time, they get more time to learn. If someone figures out the objectives on ride 1, then they can advance more rapidly. The course is as much “how to take care of and own an A5” as it is a thorough course on seaplane operations. That keeps students invested in paying attention. We are teaching them how to make this plane last for a long time. 

      Market and Community
      Who is the target market for the Icon A5, and how has the response been from this community?

      The target marketing for the ICON A5 is adventure lovers who crave new ways to experience the world. They are generally affluent individuals, with a mix of aviation experience. We first started marketing the A5 for new pilots, and that remains a core audience for us; although, the barriers to entry are more substantial because first we need to introduce them to the idea of Adventure Flying. We consider aviation to be another powersport along the lines of boating/personal watercraft, off-roading, and snowmobiling. That’s a complete mindset change for the industry. 

      In addition to targeting new pilots, we target existing pilots, of which most of our owners are at this time. Some are looking for a new airplane to add to their fleet, while others are looking for something new/different, or perhaps have been out of flying for a bit and see the A5 as the ideal plane for them.

      Can you share any interesting stories or feedback from Icon A5 owners?

      One of my favorite stories is a great lesson on life. One of our eldest owners (in his 80s) had a dream to fly early on in his life, but as life often gets in the way of peoples’ dreams, it did for him as well. Fast forward to meeting and marrying a very supportive spouse and surviving cancer, and he sees the ICON and just feels inspired. With his wife’s encouragement, he demoed and purchased the ICON within weeks. Then training. Then his check ride. It took a little while, but now he and his wife and their dog take the plane all over Florida all their own. And his philosophy is this, “While my friends wake up and wonder what’s going to kill them today, I wake up with something to live for – a zest for learning more, doing more in the ICON, and sharing it with my wife”. 

      Innovations and Future Plans
      Can you share some of the new technologies or innovations that Icon Aircraft is currently exploring or integrating into your aircraft? How do these innovations enhance the flying experience or operational efficiency?

      Bringing in the Garmin G3X Touch with autopilot was a big step for ICON. It was a great answer to owner feedback. Then reducing our gross weight and improving performance with the 4-blade E-Prop was a huge advancement. Other enhancements we’re looking at could be transitioning the cockpit to glass instruments and then one day, perhaps MFDs for information management. Our instruments will get even cleaner and easier to read if that’s possible. Anything we can do that presents information more efficiently and that keeps pilots’ attention outside is a benefit to all flight operations. The trust they put in the performance and handling, making control of the aircraft easier, is a testament to our efforts. 


      Looking ahead, what are Icon Aircraft's plans for the future? Are there any new models in the pipeline or planned enhancements for the A5 that you can discuss?

      One of our big goals is to facilitate international sales with our Certified Edition of the A5. This allows us to go into countries that do not recognize an LSA category of aircraft. We are putting a lot of time and effort in with aviation authorities around the world to keep that momentum moving forward.

      Simulation and X-Plane
      The VSKYLABS model of the Icon A5 is highly regarded within the X-Plane community. Could you share your thoughts on how simulations like these impact the visibility and understanding of the Icon A5 among aviation enthusiasts and prospective pilots?

      Accessibility is the first thing that comes to mind. We all know that there is still a bit of a Bigfoot vibe around the ICON. Although we have made over two hundred of them and they are all over the US, Canada, and the Caribbean (and several others globally), there is still awe from people when we land at an FBO. So those simulators allow people from all different backgrounds and situations to actually see and fly the plane. That is something that only a small sample size of humans have done in real life. We love it when people approach us at industry events and talk about all the details of landing in the water for the first time and how they studied it and watched our training videos. You wouldn’t know that they are talking about a computer simulator. Simulators are THAT real now. Of course, there is still a bit of fantasy involved. For all of the very cool things I have done in the plane, it can’t compare to a video I saw of an A5 piloted in a simulator where an ICON slid down a slope on top of a mountain (backwards I believe). It fell off of the cliff, spun around nose down, accelerated, then flew down the valley until landing on the river at the bottom. Very cool. Haha. 


      Looking Forward
      Lastly Andy, could you tell us about some of the highlights from Icon's journey so far? Also, what are you personally looking forward to in the future of flying?

      The highlights for me have been the improvements that come from the field. We have enough planes in the wild to really garner feedback from owners/pilots. The addition of the G3X autopilot was hugely attributable to listening to the owners. Meanwhile we have had multiple pilots within the company that have over one thousand hours in this plane. Each of them giving input into what does and does not feel like the kind of product we want. Countless improvements have been made between the start of this journey and now – and it is due to all the work of people flying it, fixing it, and experiencing it for thousands of flight hours. That collective knowledge is VERY cool. Then the other thing I will always remember is being invited to represent the class of Light Sport Aircraft in the Aircraft Owner Pilot Association’s celebration of General Aviation air parade. To be involved in that given the countless aircraft that could have participated was a real honor and showed how far ICON Aircraft has come with being involved in the entire culture surrounding aviation. 


      Many thanks to Andy and the team at ICON Aircraft for making this interview possible. We all wish them the very best in their future endeavours.

      You can purchase the VSKYLABS ICON A5 here


      Posted By: Dominic Smith @ 29 June 2024 - 2:16 pm Comments: 4 - View Comments
    • Sunday 30th June - What's New in the World of X-Plane

      Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane.

      Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews.

      If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered).

       X-Plane 12 News

       b738 - 2024-06-22 23.17.12.jpg

      The above image was taken from one of our featured products...

      Payware Releases

      LFKT - Corte, Corsica


      F-15C Eagle (update)


      Airport Stuttgart XP


      Airport Istanbul XP


      Flying Low: The X-Plane 12 Handbook - Setup- Book 1 (update)


      MKJS Sangster International Airport Jamaica XP12


      KPNS - Pensacola International Airport v2


      KCLT- Charlotte Douglas International Airport UHD


      B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition (update)


      Freeware Developer News

      ClearFly Boeing 737-100

      New WIP renders from the author:


      For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed.

      Freeware Files

      Here are some of this week's standout freeware files.


      X-Plane 12

      Vopnafjörður Airport, Iceland | frnkln by design. 1.0


      By frnkln.


      X-Plane 12

      HS 125 & Dominie early version beta 1.0


      By henkfix

      A320 for X-Plane 12 1.1


      By Maudic

      Boeing AH-64 Guardian Apache 1.1


      By henkfix

      X-Plane 11

      Lockheed C-121A (L749) Constellation 1.0.1


      By Saynday

      If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update.


      Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews:

      X-Plane 12: Las Vegas FlightSim Expo 2024


      Airport of the Week

      Can you guess the name of the airport below?

      If so, why not attach a screenshot in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) :)

      Clue: Travel to a region known for world-class watches and delicious chocolate. Situated on the shores of one of Central Europe’s largest lakes, this airport is an ideal starting point for exploring the area. Can you guess which airport this is?

      Cessna_172SP - 2024-06-28 12.52.11.jpg Cessna_172SP - 2024-06-28 12.53.44.jpg

      Well done to new2, Gason71, Bob D., J.K., Dennis Powell, MarcXP, WalSch, Lysan, and Havena, who all correctly guessed last week’s airport, which was Lemhi County Airport (KSMN).

      X-Plane 12 Tips

      This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems.


      By Dave Britzius

      This week's X-Plane Videos

      X-Plane 12.1.0 new HUD First Look!


      FlightFactor 777 V2 Hauling Cargo! | EINN - EGNX | DrishalMAC2


      The Flight That Changed Everything | The Greatest Air Race | Documentary Central


      Upcoming Interview

      Oh...before you go, we have an exclusive interview with a rather special aircraft manufacturer lined up for tomorrow, so don’t go booking that summer holiday just yet!


      Stay safe and see you next week!



      Posted By: Dominic Smith @ 28 June 2024 - 4:29 pm Comments: 12 - View Comments
    • image.jpeg Click here to look at the full description.

      At last! Flying Flying Low presents the second update to the first (original) X-Plane 12 PDF handbook. If you already have it, this major update is once again free. Just re-download from your store account.

      If you still haven't purchased it, it's really worth it.

      The PDF has now grown to 439 pages (224 double spreads). All the hardware recommendations are up to date, and there is even some new stuff from X-Plane 12.1.0 included. The index is now a massive list of bookmarks which appear on the side, as shown in these latest images which did not make it to the product page:




      Posted By: DaveLTB @ 25 June 2024 - 3:59 pm Comments: 1 - View Comments
    • 6.jpgWelcome to PNSv2! It is now available on the X-Plane org store... 

      If you'd like a copy, get it here: https://store.x-plane.org/KPNS--Pensacola-International-Airport-v2_p_1917.html
      V1 owners receive a 50% discount.. 
      With this new release, we are introducing our brand new plug-in for added airport immersion! FSDesigns Hangar Utility - Featuring animated & interactive hangar facilities.

      1) Updated vegetation
      2) Better grass 
      3) Updated ground textures
      4) Animated hangar doors 
      5) Updated night lighting
      6) Performance fixes 
      7) Remodeled some buildings
      ? Retexturing some buildings, including the terminal
      9) Updated the landside where the terminal drop off area is
      10) and so much more! 



      Posted By: AviationMaster @ 24 June 2024 - 2:09 am Comments: 13 - View Comments
    • Sunday 23rd June - What's New in the World of X-Plane

      Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane.

      Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews.

      If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered).

       X-Plane 12 News


      The above image was taken from one of our featured articles...

      Laminar Research have released X-Plane 12.1.0 (Release Candidate 1)

      When you run the X-Plane Installer, remember to have "check for new betas as well as updates" selected, otherwise you'll be missing out:


      Payware Releases

      Airbus Handbook v2


      MeshXP Spain X-Plane


      Revolution Mini-500 (update)


      Freeware Developer News

      Freeware DC8-73 in Development

      Early development model available for download:


      X-Bureau Airbus A318

      Status update from the author:


      ClearFly Boeing 737-100

      WIP images from the author:


      A-Better-Camera for X-Plane (ABC)

      Quick update from Steve:


      Firestreak Project

      Ealy access coming soon:


      For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed.

      Freeware Files

      Here are some of this week's standout freeware files.


      X-Plane 12

      Broken Bottles NV 1.0


      By LPNils

      Colombia_SKPD_Puerto_Inirida_Airport. 1.0


      By JBLSceneryDesign

      Colombia_SKCZ_Corozal_Airport 1.0


      By JBLSceneryDesign


      X-Plane 12

      Free E-Jets by X-Crafts | Embraer E175 & E195 for XP12 3.0


      By X-Crafts

      AH-1Z Viper 1.3


      By alpeggio

      X-Plane 11

      Cessna 172N Bush (XP11)


      By DHC8Jockey


      Better Pushback for X-Plane 11/12 1.3


      If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update.


      Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews:

      Scenery Review: KSJC - San Jose International Airport by Short Final Designs


      By DrishalMAC2

      Aircraft Review: PA24-250 Comanche by InDepthSimulations


      Stephen Dutton

      Airport of the Week

      Can you guess the name of the airport below?

      If so, why not attach a screenshot in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) ?

      Clue: Follow the route of Lewis and Clark’s famous expedition. Near a river named after a well-known fish, you’ll find a small airport nestled in the Rockies. Can you name this airport? 

      Cessna_172SP - 2024-06-21 20.17.04.jpg Cessna_172SP - 2024-06-21 20.16.07.jpg

      X-Plane 12 Tips

      This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems.


      By Dave Britzius

      This week's X-Plane Videos

      F-19 Stealth Fighter spotted! Are they still flying?? (X-Plane 12)

      F-19 Stealth Fighter spotted! Are they still flying?? (X-Plane 12) (youtube.com)

      Flying Cargo in the FF777V2! | A Pilots Life #6 | DrishalMAC2


      How to Record or Stream with Lossless scaling Frame Generation | DrishalMAC2



      *****?Congratulations to X-Craft's Marko on tying the knot, wishing you both a wonderful future together!!?!****

      X-Crafts Wedding.jpg


      Stay safe and see you next week!



      Posted By: Dominic Smith @ 21 June 2024 - 4:44 pm Comments: 14 - View Comments
    • Just for some fun, whack the REAL X-Plane.org Store Utilities as quickly as possible... and avoid the FAKE ones!


      Let us know your best score!

      Posted By: FSFlyingSchool @ 19 June 2024 - 10:28 am Comments: 8 - View Comments
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