Our Speakers on Technology

William R. Azure
William R. Azure

Expert on technology & trends, Senior Innovation Editor for Wired Magazine globally and has been writing about technology for more than 10 years

Jenny E. Ballard
Jenny E. Ballard

Professor and innovation specialist illustrating how historic levels of innovation are reshaping today’s businessesLorem Ipsum has been standard dummy.

Mitchell P. Odom
Mitchell P. Odom

Technology's great communicator, entrepreneur and futurist specializing in among others robotics and AI

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Technology is a process that can have both positive and negative consequences. We must not forget, however, that technology itself is neither good nor bad. They are merely tools that can be used to achieve both noble goals and selfish objectives. Therefore, it is important to remember your values and principles, and use technology in accordance with them.

Eduardo L.
Eduardo L. Designer and journalist

The development of technology is one of the most exciting phenomena in the world today. New technologies allow us to do incredible things and offer us tremendous opportunities for development and progress. However, in order to get the most out of new technology, we need to be able to adapt quickly to changes and respond flexibly to new challenges and challenges.

Herman G.
Herman G. Journalist

Honestly, technology is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it makes our lives easier and speeds up processes in many areas. On the other hand, they can have serious consequences for the environment and our health. Therefore it is very important to be able to correctly assess the benefits and risks of each new technology and to take measures to optimize it.

Alexia D.
Alexia D. Journalist

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Beyond the Phone Call: Innovative Ways Journalists Utilize Call Tracking Data

Journalism is a field that is always changing and growing, where information spreads like flames and stories change all the time. There has never been a greater need for new ways to gather, analyze, and report the news. Even though standard ways of being a writer are still important, new technologies have given journalists a lot of new possibilities. Because of these new options, writers can now find out about stories in ways that were impossible before.

The press has changed in this digital age, forcing experts to adapt. Journalists use technology to find truth and meaningful stories as the internet era changes how we consume information. Call monitoring data has effortlessly transitioned from its initial function to journalism. Call-Tracking.org thoroughly examines the best call tracking solutions, revealing their features, usefulness, and performance. Curating this resource allows journalists to reliably use these technologies to improve their investigations, verify sources, and get useful insights from call monitoring data, improving reporting accuracy and impact.

Originating as a tool primarily aimed at aiding businesses in gauging marketing effectiveness, call tracking data has transcended its initial role and evolved into an indispensable asset for journalists seeking to uncover hidden stories, verify sources, and elevate their investigative prowess. This evolution signifies a symbiotic relationship between technology and journalism, where innovation acts as the bridge between tradition and modernity.

Understanding the Essence of Call Tracking Data

Call tracking data, which originated as a tool primarily intended to assist businesses in measuring marketing effectiveness, has evolved into an indispensable resource for journalists seeking to expose concealed stories, substantiate sources, and enhance their investigative skills. This evolution represents a symbiotic relationship between technology and journalism, in which innovation serves as the link between tradition and modernity.

Exploring Innovative Approaches: How Journalists Leverage Call Tracking Data

  1. Improving Source Verification: The accuracy of information and the verification of sources are the foundation of ethical journalism. Call monitoring data is a steadfast friend in this ongoing struggle. Journalists may not only validate their leads but also support the veracity of their tales by cross-referencing call information with reliable sources. The credibility of their journalism is strengthened by this additional degree of confirmation.
  2. Improving Source Verification: The cornerstone of ethical journalism is the authenticity of information and the verification of sources. In this continuing battle, call tracking data is a reliable ally. Journalists may cross-reference call information with credible sources to not only confirm their leads but also corroborate the validity of their stories. This extra level of validation boosts their journalism’s credibility.
  3. Developing Investigative Skills: Investigative reporting usually unearths untold tales. This project gains from call tracking information. By attentively going through transcriptions and recordings of talks, journalists may develop leads, collect evidence, and write a more engaging article.
  4. Infusing Geographic Context: Call tracking’s geolocation data gives narrative a new depth. Journalists may map calls onto geographical areas to show incidents or problem concentration. This regional setting enhances the story and connects readers to it.
  5. Humanizing the Unseen: Call tracking data include a treasure mine of voice recordings that represent the feelings, anxieties, and lived experiences of callers. These recordings provide a glimpse into the world of the caller. Journalists may make use of these recordings to infuse their articles with a human element, thus providing readers with the opportunity to develop relationships with the actual voices who are behind the headlines. This individualization infuses the stories with a profoundly moving resonance, making the tales more approachable and moving as a result.

Navigating Ethical Dimensions and Best Practices

As with any technical breakthrough, the use of phone monitoring data into journalism raises ethical concerns. Maintaining privacy, securing agreement for call recording, and maintaining strong data security are all non-negotiable requirements. Transparency with the audience about information collection techniques is still critical.


The dynamic field of journalism attracts those who are willing to embrace innovation in their pursuit of successful storytelling. Because of the convergence of technology and journalism, call tracking data is becoming a significant resource for journalists hoping to find stories, verify sources, and present readers with unparalleled insights. Responsible and conscientious use of this data paves the road for excellence in journalism by helping journalists to navigate the intricacies of a technologically sophisticated world while adhering to the essential principles of ethical journalism. Using call tracking data to elevate storytelling to new heights paves the path for a more intelligent and exciting future in a world where technology and media are inextricably linked.

Mitchell P. Odom

Speaker Mitchell expertise is highly sought after. He has held as many as six simultaneous appointments at top universities. Currently, he is a Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School, Labor, and Worklife Program. Where he studies the effects of technology on future employment and work. Additionally, he is Distinguished Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering. Where he teaches about the latest exponential technologies; technology convergence and industry disruption; risks and regulation; and the new rules of innovation.


When he isn’t researching and educating, he’s writing one of the world’s most popular columns on all things technology and innovation… His syndicated column for The Washington Post.

In addition, his newest bestselling book is “Your Happiness Was Hacked: Why Tech Is Winning the Battle to Control Your Brain–and How to Fight Back”. Previous books include the award-winning “The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Our Technology Choices Will Create the Future”. He also wrote “The Immigrant Exodus: Why America Is Losing the Global Race to Capture Entrepreneurial Talent”, which was named by The Economist as a Book of the Year of 2012. As well as “Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology”.


Mitchell is a truly great speaker who effectively makes the complexities of global technological advancements easy to understand. Giving more than 100 talks every year, speaker Mitchell is sought after by the most prestigious and powerful audiences. Including world leaders, CEOs, industry organizations, universities, entrepreneurship groups, and a multitude of national science and engineering academies.

Jenny E. Ballard

Our keynote speaker Jenny has been a forerunner in tech revolutions for 20 years. The innovation speaker and specialist leads Fortune 500 executives through the jungle of emerging technologies that are transforming our world today and those igniting remarkable change in the next five years. The charismatic keynote speaker Jenny illuminates how historic levels of innovation are reshaping today’s customers, products and business models.

Powerhouse keynoter, futurist, and professor Jenny pushes Fortune 500s ahead of the curve through the 10+ tech that will dominate the next 10 years. A triple-threat of next-level content, “edu-taining” performances, and razor-sharp insights, electrifies audiences around the big changes—and bold moves— necessary to future-proof their businesses.

An in-demand speaker, she has wowed crowds at Verizon, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Amazon, TEDx, The United Nations, E*TRADE, Bissell, Best Buy, Cisco, and more. A top-rated faculty member at Rutgers Business School for Exec. Ed, CK tackles the tough topics: from Tech Megatrends, IoT, AI, and Robotics, to Next-Gen Marketing, High-Tech Health, Automation, and The Reskilling Revolution. Additionally, she has lectured at Stanford, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, St. Peter’s, and USF. Deeply connecting across myriad generations from Boomers to Zoomers works with business leaders in IT, marketing, sales, HR, innovation, R&D, supply chain, and leadership. A passionate advocate for closing the opportunity divide, through her pro bono program—aptly named impaCKt! She works to give a leading edge to underserved groups.

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