<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=421872967441964&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">

Create a custom ChatGPT using your own data

DropChat lets you create a chatbot trained on your website, PDFs, YouTube videos, and more. It combines key technologies like GPT-4, embedding models, and a vector database into a user-friendly, no-code environment.

Customized Welcome Greeting
Sample Questions
Voting Thumbs Up/Down
Dropchat Features
Email Escalation
Chat Escalate to Human

As seen on:


Integration with any content management system (CMS)

Dropchat makes it super easy to add chatbots to your website. Just copy and paste a small piece of JavaScript code into website header or footer, and you're all set. These chatbots can chat with your visitors, making your site more interactive and helpful.
  • hubspot
  • notion
  • wordpress
  • webflow
  • joomla
  • framer
  • wix
  • drupal
  • contentful
  • shopify

Customization options for your use case and industry


Customization options for your use case and industry



Make your website's shopping experience smooth by giving personalized help and boosting sales with AI that meets your visitors' specific needs.



Improve your hospitality services by offering each guest a personalized experience from check-in to checkout, making their stay memorable.



Enhance how citizens interact with government by using AI to provide clearer, quicker access to information, making services more open and efficient.



Help healthcare professionals by adding unlimited, personalized advice and support for patients at no cost, making sure everyone gets care that's just right for them.



Offer streamlined services across admissions, financial aid, registration, bursar operations, housing, advising, and IT help desk, ensuring instant, efficient, and user-friendly interactions that enhance the overall student experience and administrative efficiency. 



Enhance manufacturing efficiency by leveraging existing information, granting employees and partners seamless access to vital data and facilitating communication with suppliers, all without extra costs.



Make better use of existing information by letting employees and customers access it easily through conversation with AI. This helps everyone communicate better, speeds up processes, and increases customer satisfaction.



Banking becomes simpler by explaining tricky financial subjects and offering personalized advice to every customer. This way, people can understand better and make wiser money decisions.


Steps to create your first chatbot using various data sources.

Start Free Trial
Start Free Trial - active

Start Free Trial

Start Free Trail

Start Free Trial

Create a chatbot easily with Dropchat's no-code interface. Begin immediately on our trial page, no sign-up needed.

Add Data Sources
Add Data Sources - active

Add Data Sources

Add Data Sources

Add Data Sources

Dropchat simplifies the process of building intelligent chatbots by allowing you to seamlessly incorporate diverse data sources like PDFs, YouTube content, websites, and text files.

With a quick upload, its advanced AI goes to work analyzing and structuring the information, enabling the swift creation of chatbots that are knowledgeable across a broad spectrum.

These chatbots can offer personalized, precise responses, making the integration of complex data into an accessible chatbot experience not only feasible but straightforward and efficient.

Start Chatting
Start Chatting - active

Start Chatting

Start Chatting

Start Chatting

After integrating various data sources to build your chatbot with Dropchat, the chatting process is designed to be interactive and user-centric. Users can engage with the chatbot by asking sample questions to kickstart conversations.

As they interact, users have the option to provide immediate feedback on the chatbot's responses through thumbs up or down voting, helping the system to learn and improve over time.

If a query is too complex or if the user isn't satisfied with the chatbot's answers, the conversation can be escalated in two ways: either by directing the query to an email for a more detailed response or by transferring the interaction to live agents who can provide real-time assistance.

This seamless escalation process ensures that users receive the right level of support, blending automated efficiency with human insight to enhance the overall experience.

Analytics - active




Dropchat's platform also includes a comprehensive analytics feature that tracks the number of interactions users have with the chatbot.

This data is crucial for analyzing the performance of the chatbot, providing insights into how well it is responding to user queries and identifying areas for improvement.

Start Free Trail

Start Free Trial

Create a chatbot easily with Dropchat's no-code interface. Begin immediately on our trial page, no sign-up needed.

Add Data Sources

Add Data Sources

Dropchat simplifies the process of building intelligent chatbots by allowing you to seamlessly incorporate diverse data sources like PDFs, YouTube content, websites, and text files.

With a quick upload, its advanced AI goes to work analyzing and structuring the information, enabling the swift creation of chatbots that are knowledgeable across a broad spectrum.

These chatbots can offer personalized, precise responses, making the integration of complex data into an accessible chatbot experience not only feasible but straightforward and efficient.

Start Chatting

Start Chatting

After integrating various data sources to build your chatbot with Dropchat, the chatting process is designed to be interactive and user-centric. Users can engage with the chatbot by asking sample questions to kickstart conversations.

As they interact, users have the option to provide immediate feedback on the chatbot's responses through thumbs up or down voting, helping the system to learn and improve over time.

If a query is too complex or if the user isn't satisfied with the chatbot's answers, the conversation can be escalated in two ways: either by directing the query to an email for a more detailed response or by transferring the interaction to live agents who can provide real-time assistance.

This seamless escalation process ensures that users receive the right level of support, blending automated efficiency with human insight to enhance the overall experience.



Dropchat's platform also includes a comprehensive analytics feature that tracks the number of interactions users have with the chatbot.

This data is crucial for analyzing the performance of the chatbot, providing insights into how well it is responding to user queries and identifying areas for improvement.


Key Features of the Dropchat Platform


Dropchat Platform

The Dropchat Platform leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which connects LLMs to an external data source.

These data sources provide current and context-specific information, enhancing the LLM's ability to generate more accurate responses.

Dropchat Platform

Dropchat Platform

The Dropchat Platform leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which connects LLMs to an external data source.

These data sources provide current and context-specific information, enhancing the LLM's ability to generate more accurate responses.

Cloud Based SaaS

Cloud-Based SaaS

The Dropchat Platform combines key technologies like GPT-4, embedding models, and a vector database into a user-friendly, no-code environment.

This approach significantly enriches the capabilities of LLMs, making them more relevant and informed for specific tasks and queries.


Customer Success Plan

We will guide you from initial assessment to strategy, implementation and support.

Combine the power of AI, advanced search capabilities, and knowledge graph technologies using the Dropchat Platform.

Customer Success Plan


We will guide you from initial assessment to strategy, implementation and support.

Combine the power of AI, advanced search capabilities, and knowledge graph technologies using the Dropchat Platform.


Select Your Plan and Enjoy



Start for free and upgrade to a paid plan when ready.

  • Checkmark 2 chatbots
  • Checkmark 600 chat messages / month
  • Checkmark PDF chat
  • Checkmark Website chat
  • Checkmark YouTube chat



More chatbots, features, onboarding and customized training.

  • Checkmark 20 chatbots
  • Checkmark 30,000 chat messages / month
  • Checkmark Larger PDF files and websites
  • Checkmark Customer success manager
  • Checkmark + All free and starter tier features

N E E D  H E L P ?

Frequently asked questions

Is Dropchat free?

Dropchat offers a free plan that allows users to experience the core features of creating and deploying chatbots.

This free plan is designed to give you a solid foundation with the option to upgrade to paid plans as your needs grow.

The paid plans offer additional capabilities, increased customizations, and higher levels of support to ensure that as your business scales, your chatbot can too.

What is a chatbot and how does it work?

A chatbot is a tool designed to interact with users and share information through conversation.

With Dropchat, chatbots become even smarter by using information from various sources like PDFs, YouTube videos, websites, and text documents.

Here’s how it works:

Integration of Data: You can easily add different types of data to Dropchat, and it uses AI to understand and organize this information.

Interactive Chatting: Users ask questions, and the chatbot responds like a human versus requiring the user to click through multiple pre-scripted FAQs.

Escalation Options: If the chatbot can't solve a problem, users can escalate the issue to email or a live agent.

Performance Tracking: Dropchat tracks how many chats happen, and whether answers get positive or negative feedback. This helps analyze how well the chatbot is helping users and shows where it can get better.

It’s all about giving users personalized access to information through conversation.

What can I use chatbots for?

A chatbot like the one developed with Dropchat can be used for a wide range of purposes:

Customer Support: Providing answers to common questions, resolving issues, and offering assistance 24/7 without the need for a human agent for every interaction.

Information Access: Simplifying the process of accessing complex information from various sources, such as PDFs, websites, and videos, making it easier for users to find what they need.

Learning and Education: Assisting students or learners by answering educational queries, providing explanations, and facilitating access to study materials tailored to their needs.

Healthcare Assistance: Offering general health advice and information, helping patients understand medical conditions, treatments, and guiding them through health-related queries.

E-commerce: Enhancing shopping experiences by answering product questions, providing recommendations, and assisting with transactions or returns.

Feedback Collection: Gathering user feedback through interactive sessions, which can be used to improve services or products.

Internal Business Operations: Streamlining internal communications, providing employees with easy access to company information, policies, and procedures, and facilitating smoother workflows.

The versatility of Dropchat-based chatbots in handling various data types and their ability to learn from interactions makes them valuable tools across many sectors, improving efficiency, user satisfaction, and accessibility to information.

Do I need to know coding to build a chatbot?

No, you don't need to know coding to build a chatbot with Dropchat. Dropchat is designed as a no-code solution, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. This means you can create, customize, and deploy intelligent chatbots simply through an intuitive user interface.

With Dropchat, the process of integrating data sources, configuring chat flows, and setting up response mechanisms doesn't require any programming skills.

Dropchat offers features like sample questions, thumbs up/down voting for feedback, and options to escalate conversations to email or live agents, all manageable without writing a single line of code. The built-in analytics tools also allow you to track chatbot performance and user satisfaction without needing to understand complex data analysis techniques.

Dropchat democratizes the creation and management of chatbots, opening up the power of AI-driven conversation to users who want to leverage technology to enhance their services or interactions without the barrier of coding expertise.

How can I make a chatbot?

To create a chatbot with Dropchat, you can dive straight into the process using our easy, no-code interface.

Start building your chatbot right away by going directly to our trial page.

No sign-up is required to explore the features. You’ll be able to integrate your data sources and customize your chatbot’s responses effortlessly.

What are the benefits of using chatbots?

Using a chatbot offers several key benefits:

24/7 Availability: Chatbots provide round-the-clock assistance, ensuring users or customers can get help anytime, without the need for human staff to be available at all hours.

Instant Responses: They offer immediate answers to queries, reducing wait times for users and improving overall satisfaction.

Cost Efficiency: By automating responses to common questions, chatbots can significantly reduce the workload on human staff, saving on labor costs and allowing teams to focus on more complex tasks.

Scalability: Chatbots can handle a large number of interactions simultaneously, making them ideal for scaling customer service operations without a proportional increase in resources.

Personalized Experiences: Advanced chatbots can provide tailored recommendations and information, enhancing the user experience by making interactions more relevant and personal.

Access to Information: They can quickly retrieve and process vast amounts of data, making it easier for users to access the information they need.

Feedback Collection: Chatbots can gather user feedback through interactive sessions, providing valuable insights for improving products, services, and customer experiences.

Reduced Human Error: Automated responses eliminate the potential for human error, ensuring consistent and accurate information is provided to users.

Incorporating a chatbot into your operations can lead to improved efficiency, customer satisfaction, and insights into user needs, making it a valuable tool for businesses and organizations across various sectors.

What businesses should use chatbots?

Chatbots can be beneficial for a wide range of businesses, particularly those looking to enhance customer service, streamline operations, and gather insights from user interactions. Here are some sectors that should consider using chatbots:

Retail and E-commerce: For providing product recommendations and enhancing the shopping experience.

Banking and Finance: To offer financial advice and making banking more accessible and convenient.

Healthcare: For providing general health information, and assisting with patient inquiries, improving accessibility and patient care.

Hospitality and Travel: To provide local information, and assist guests, personalizing the customer experience.

Education: For offering tutoring, answering student inquiries, and facilitating access to educational resources, supporting personalized learning experiences.

Government: To streamline access to public services, provide information on regulations and procedures, and gather citizen feedback, enhancing public engagement.

Real Estate: To showcase properties, answer inquiries, and streamlining the buying or renting process.

Businesses that aim to provide exceptional customer service, reduce operational costs, and leverage data for insights stand to benefit significantly from integrating chatbots into their operations. Chatbots not only improve efficiency and customer satisfaction but also provide scalable solutions to meet growing demand.